EdeS Holistic Massage Treatment – Combination of Herbs, Essential Oils & Massage Therapy to Revitalize Your Mind & Body

Massage is an ancient healing form used by early civilizations as a treatment for various physical conditions and ailments. The Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Indians were practicing massage therapy thousands of years ago.

Modern Massage Therapy may be defined as manipulation of soft tissues, including rubbing, kneading compressing, pounding and shaking of muscles, tendons and connective tissues to improve physical wellbeing and health.

What does massage do to our body?

A skillful massage therapist can deliver many benefits to the body.

  • Reduce muscle tension which causes discomfort and pain

  • Improves blood circulation; bringing nutrition and oxygen to cells

  • Stimulates movement of lymph; removing toxins and waste and boosting immunity

  • Reduces stress hormones.

  • Relaxes the body and mind

  • Increases joint mobility and flexibility.

  • Improves skin tone

  • Improves recovery of soft tissue injuries 

Why is EdeS Spa Signature Holistic Massage more Effective ?

EdeS Spa Signature Holistic Massage is a comprehensive treatment consisting three (3) forms of therapy to enhance Relaxation, Rejuvenation and Revitalization of the body.


  1. Thermal Therapy with Herbs

Application of heated herbal pads to relax tight and tired muscles and increase peripheral  circulation. The herbs induce a quick release of tension from your body.


  1. Aromatherapy

EdeS Spa’s Essential Oil blends are developed by our Resident Professional Aromatherapist, accredited by the International Federation of Aromatherapists. EdeS offers a wide range of Pure Essential Oil blends to help the body unwind, relax, revitalise, rejuvenate, relief aches and pain.


  1. Massage Therapy

Massage at the EdeS Spa is provided by Certified Massage Therapists who are trained to offer specific treatments according to each client’s needs.

By Mr. Edward Wong, MIFA, RCT, MBA, CMC, RMC Ambassador of Global Wellness Day for Singapore, President of the Spa & Wellness Association Singapore.

Find out more and book a slot with EdeS Club here: Holistic Massage

Visit us at 45, Tanjong Rhu Roda, Singapore Swimming Club.

Visit www.edesclub.com or contact us at +65 81819504 or email edesspasg@gmail.com for more information.